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The Annual Meeting of Owners of the Manhattan Club Timeshare Association Inc. ("Timeshare Association") was held on August 2, 2023, at the AMA New York Conference Center located at 1601 Broadway (48th and Broadway) 6th floor New York, New York at 9 A.M.

The meeting was duly called to order by Joshua A. Wirshba, President of the Board of Directors ("Timeshare Board") of the Timeshare Association.

Mr. Joshua A. Wirshba presented the proof of notice of meeting as mailed and transmitted by Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc. (“Broadridge”). 

Based upon information confirmed by Broadridge, Mr. Wirshba announced that the total number of Owners required for a quorum was represented at the meeting, in person and by proxy, and that the meeting was duly organized and ready to transact the business before it.  

Manhattan Club Owner Richard Mulvaney gave a report of the Nominating Committee which presently consists of himself, Salvatore P. Reale and Joshua A. Wirshba.  The Nominating Committee determined that the slate for the Non-Sponsor positions on the Timeshare Board for the ensuing year would be the following persons:

James T. Dunphy
Juan M. Masini
Patricia F. Soltys

Mr. Wirshba stated that the election of the Timeshare Board was then in order and Owners who were attending the Annual Meeting and wished to vote in person had their ballots collected from the floor.

Tracy Oats of Broadridge served as the Inspector of the Election and tallied the ballots collected at the meeting in addition to the proxies that had been previously submitted.  Mr. Wirshba then reported that the votes for the nominees had been tallied and the following Directors of the Timeshare Board were elected and/or designated for the ensuing year:

Joshua A. Wirshba – President, Board Member
Salvatore P. Reale – Vice President, Board Member
Scott Ahlum – Board Member, Treasurer
Vincent L. Caster – Board Member, Secretary
Patricia F. Soltys – Non-Sponsor Board Member
James T. Dunphy - Non-Sponsor Board Member
Juan M. Masini - Non-Sponsor Board Member

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Dated the 2nd day of August 2023.                          Vincent L Caster, Secretary